Plein Air Painters of Maine


The following are mostly free opportunities for artists who paint outdoors.  We do not advertise galleries unless they are hosting free plein air events.  We do not advertise paintings for sale.  Our goal is solely as a service to the artists who wish to paint outside and experience Maine's magnificent scenery during May through October.  These events are hosted by volunteers and there is always room for more folks to help out with arranging locations and monitoring the events. Please email the contact person to let them know you wish to help.  Note that there are fewer painting dates scheduled than in previous years.  Schedule is subject to change.  (Updated 10/2/24)

SOUTHERN MAINE CHAPTER (Greater Portland Area)

Dates are in conjunction with the New England Water Color Society.  Contact:  Deena Ball  412-606-8808


WESTERN MAINE CHAPTER (Lewiston and western mountains)

Contact: Diane Dubreuil,


ROCKLAND SUNDAY STROLLS:  PLEIN AIR ARTISTS are invited to participate in this new once a month multi-arts event.  Artists may set up to paint en plein air (no reservations needed for those painting only) anywhere with the blocked off area on Main Street between 11am and 5pm.  No entry fee or prizes.  Artists are also welcome to sell works (following tax/sales laws of the State of Maine) or promote shows and gallery representation.  Spaces for 10x10 pop up tents may be available for a fee.  It is strongly recommended that plein air artists contact Matthew Ondra for free registration and any questions.

Sunday Strolls Rockland:

MIDCOAST CHAPTER (Boothbay Region/Lincoln County)  

Wednesdays twice a month, mornings to mid-day.  Contact   207-462-4657

Wednesday, October 9, TLC Fiber Farm and Morse's Sauerkraut, Rte. 220  40 Horsecents Lane, Waldoboro. RSVP: Celia Ludwig: 302-864-4834,, 

BONUS Plein Air Day - Wednesday, October 16 - Wiscasset 9am to 1 pm.  Lincoln County Old Jail 133 Federal Street Wiscasset.  Many other painting sites on the town's side streets: classic homes and gardens.  Bathrooms available at Celia's red house at 161 Main Street next to the sunken gardens.  Public facilities also at the Town Dock on Water Street.  

Wednesday, October 23, Bath Waterfront and Washington Street, Bath Maine.  Public park along the river north of the Bath Bridge.  Public parking lot behind Renys or along Front Street.  Public Library on Washington Street with lovely grounds/gardens and Zorach sculpture. Also many grand homes built by Bath merchants and sea captains on upper Washington Street.   Explore, paint and enjoy.  

NORTH MIDCOAST CHAPER (Port Clyde, Tenants Harbor area)

Contact:  Directions will be provided to painters who RSVP by email. 


KENNEBEC VALLEY CHAPTER (Augusta Region)  Tuesday schedule once a month, 9am to 12noon or longer.. Contact: Cassie Sano,    978-239-9895

Tuesday, October 8, 2024  Coos Canyon, Byron
